Thursday 18 July 2013

So, as I was saying....

These are my faintly hysterical notes from Week 23, Activity 4.......

Jones (2004a) 'Networks and learning: communities, practices and the metaphor of networks'

Castells (2001) argues that the internet facilitates not so much communities of practice as 'networked individualism' & that online communities depend on existing off-line connections (p.82). [well he would, wouldn't he...given that he never 'got' the Internet & the web in the first place!]

Network metaphor is not neutral - may be part of a hegemonic discourse promoting a managerialist agenda (p.82). [it says here] [means stuff like assumptions UK becoming service/information economy, 'massification' of HE, etc.]

Mathematical modelling of networks offers prospect of finding broad laws of networks applicable in other fields (bio/soc) (p.82) eg 'small world phenomena'/six degrees of separation (p.83). Networks are 'self-organising structures that lie somewhere between order and chaos' (p.84).

Also links with Rheingoldian vision which aligns more closely with situated learning (Brown, Wenger, etc. (p.85).

'This emphasis on collaboration and community stands in sharp contrast to the notion of networked individualism identified as a characteristic of networked society by Castells (1996, 2001)' (p.85) [yeah! Jones spots the problem!!!!]

Some have accused Rheingold of 'romanticism' & point out that in education networks are not democratic, as tutors/institutions hold power via assessment processes (p.86). [this echoes Weller on need for new forms of assessment, but also confirms deep difference between formal & informal learning]

Nodded off a bit during networked forms of governance, flow of policy initiatives...

Networked learning: shift in early 90s from interacting with computers to interacting through computers (p.88) & then to interaction within networks: mobile/ubiquitous developments are pushing computer itself into background (p.89). [Bet Castells hates that!]

Debating whether to mention Castells in my EMA, just for old times' sake. Memory is an odd thing.

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